County Tax Assessor
Mike Lewis
401 Beacon Street,
Suite 105
Philadelphia, MS 39350
Phone: (601) 656-4541
Fax: (601) 656-5121
Board of Supervisors
District One - Mike Snow
District Two - Kevin Cumberland
District Three - Kinsey Smith
District Four - Kevin Wilcher
District Five - Obbie Riley
County Administrator - Jeff Mayo
401 E. Beacon Street,
Suite 201
Philadelphia, MS 39350
Phone: (601) 656-6281
Fax: (601) 650-3280
Chancery Clerk
Gidget Stovall Tate
401 E. Beacon Street,
Suite 107
Philadelphia, MS 39350
Phone: (601) 656-3581
Fax: (601) 656-5915
401 Beacon Street
Philadelphia, MS 39350
Phone: (601) 656-4541
Fax: (601) 656-5121
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday-Friday
Excluding Holidays
Tristate Consulting Services, Inc.